The Father's Day rush was CRAZY!!! These Mom's really went all out for their hubbys. I had such a great time meeting all these new families. Here's one family that I really fell in love with. It was a morning shoot that was soooo hot! Even so, I was so happy with the final shots! And so was the Mommy!
So I realized that 4 legged babies mean just as much as 2 legged babies. Recently I added pet photography to my list! What a success. I had the chance to meet the most wonderful and loved pets. It's always such a pleasure to meet new families, pets included!
Here we go! So.... I guess I should start by introducing myself! I'm Ami, a super busy mom of 3. My hubster got me my first DSLR last summer '09. Once I took it out of the box, the love affair began! I'm still learning the ropes of photography. I love taking pictures of almost anything in natural light. I take pictures DAILY!!!! Photography fills my soul. I'll start this blog with some of the 1st shoots I did. Check back often! Lots more to come...............